Monday, October 7, 2013

Oh! These Martians

He {pointing to a glass, with his fingers touching the glass}: Wify! Can you get me some water? Here is the

Please note, he was only pointing to the glass, he did not take the glass to his wife. He was pointing out to his wife, this is where you can find glasses. And I think out loud... Are men wired to do these things or do they acquire these traits the moment they get tagged 'The Husband'?

Picture Courtesy :


  1. Replies
    1. Of Course! But doesn't the concept of 'do it yourself' strike men? Or is that a selective process ;-) :-P

  2. well , atleast he did the job of "pointing to the glass" . Is'nt that count as work ... :)

    1. I dont think you will find even a single girl who would agree with your statement.. Hmmm...
