Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Shabda Jnana Anupati Vastu Shunyo Vikalpah 
When we imagine an object in our mind just by listening to some words, then it is called Vikalpa
                - Patanjali Yoga Sutras - made easy by Dr. Padiki Nagaraja Rao 

Vikalpah is mentioned by Sage Patanjali as one of the activities of the mind. Vikalpa refers to the knowledge we store in our mind based only on the words we hear. Vikalpa refers to unreal & non-existent objects. These impressions are created within our mind, using our imagination.

What is the source of such an unreal impression???? It is nothing but the impressions we have already created. The ones that spawned from other impressions. The ones that we constructed based on the words we heard (or overheard). 

Note : This explanation of mine is limited to my understanding of the writer's interpretation AND limited by my personal experiences and how I relate the theory with my personal experiences. Many times in my life, I have allowed myself to be carried away by activities caused by some insignificant shabdhas (words). The results???? I have burned couple of bridges - both internal & external ones. Thankfully, not all the bridges were of the same built. Some did withstand the fire, while some could be repaired. 

Be attentive to the variations caused my the Shabdhas. Be mindful about what is important to you. 

Friday, August 19, 2016

Uff! Yeh Pineal Gland!!!

Pineal Glad degeneration!! 

This is what Swami Sathyananda Saraswati repeats in his book 'Yoga Education for Children'. Well, it is too late for me now. But... May this article help you in aiding your decisions with your children. 

"The pineal is a tiny gland located in the medulla oblongata of the brain. In yoga, it is closely linked with Ajna Chakra, the seat of wisdom & intuition. When the child is about eight years of age, the pineal begins to degenerate. This decay corresponds to the beginning of sexual maturation, precipitated by the release of hormones from the pituitary gland." 

In another place, he says... 
"In yoga, the pineal gland is said to be the physical correlate of Ajna chakra. Mystics & occultists refer to it as the third eye & the philosophers call it the supermind. The pineal gland is very active in children, but by the time they reach the age of eight or ten it begins to calcify, and in elderly people it has little or no role to play in life. 
This is very unfortunate because in yoga the pineal gland is considered to be the controlling and monitoring station in the brain." 

And then again...... 
"When the pineal gland starts to degenerate, the pituitary gland comes into action and the emotions shoot up. This is the reason why so many children become emotionally unbalanced and disturbed during their pre-adolescent and adolescent years. The pineal gland has a balancing influence on the activities of the brain, which keeps the whole brain in receptive order. Therefore, I found that those children in whom the pineal could still be commanded or monitored were much more receptive than those whose pineal gland was no longer active." 

For those who still have the chance.... Start early for your child..... :-) 

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