Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Free Flowing Weekend

You know what???? It is equally exciting when you don't have a plan! 

Normally, every Dussera I have a plan. A plan on what to do, where to go, with whom etc. And these plans varies from visits to relatives to dental surgeries.  This would be one Dussera where I had absolutely no plan. But... when I look back... it was equally exciting to have no plans at all. I just took things as they came & allowed myself to move with the flow.

Last evening, while I was watching the sky lose its brightness... I could feel every single muscle in my body screaming out for that much needed rest.  But... I had the best 'Krishna Smile' I had ever had in years. 

Guyz.... all of you... Thanks a ton... for bringing me to my today....... :-) 

Krishna Smile would need a post on its own. Hope that post will happen soon. 

Picture Courtesy : webcache.googleusercontent.com

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