Friday, April 26, 2013

Distorted form of love

A wife's message to her Husband : Happily live alone, i wont b a trouble anymore. Bye 

And I was trying to explain to him, from a girls point of view, when & why girls make such statements. And he goes...

He {with the all knowing Krishna smile}: Yes, it is a demonstration of love and care.. A rather distorted form of love and affection..

Yes! 100s of 1000s of light bulb lit up at that moment :-) 

Picture Courtesy :


  1. And if everybody had the wisdom to understand this, then life would be very very simpler.

    1. Well.. at times... even when you know that you are being irrational & stupid... and know why you are being so... All you can do is... watch your stupidity & smile...


    2. "If someone is getting annoyed or jealous , just know that all are nothing but, Wave function, and now frequency has changed"

      that's all , then you can smile .

    3. I think the receiver too needs to understand... these are just momentary changes in frequency & that the original frequency remains the same ;-)
