Monday, August 1, 2011

slowed down

One of my friends once said, "Take it slow ...."

That was exactly what happened this weekend. Kiddo & her dad were out of town and I was left on my own in this vibrant city of Bengaluru (Bangalore). Initially, I had a long list of todos. But when the weekend started, I just took a deep breath & told myself, "Sweetie ... take it slow. If it has to happen, it will happen.". And, I did the most dramatic thing - tore off the todo list.

When, on a monday morning, I look back at the weekend, I am happy. I did a lot of things. Things which I enjoyed doing ... while I was doing them .... but at my own pace. All during the weekend, I was not worried about striking max number of items off the list coz I DON'T HAVE A LIST ... yippeeeee!

Picture Courtesy :


  1. Good. Now for the manic Monday!

  2. Yeah, to do lists have always worsened my Saturday and Sunday nights. Without the lists, you feel free :)
