Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Nila Adhu Vanathin Mele

It is amazing what all joblessness can do to one. A few days back, I was smitten(again) by the 'feel' found in Tamil songs. I ping a Tamil friend of mine & I rant about my frustration in unable to understand the meaning of Tamil songs. I just feel great listening to them. But I have no understanding of the lyrics ever. 

Two good things (according to me) came out of our conversation. One, I need to find a Tamil Brahmin for a boy friend. I do not remember how we narrowed down to the Brahmin category, but for now I would settle for their yummy idli/dosa & sambar... O:-) 

Second, I bumped into this 'matter' song... :-D 

Well, thanks to another friend of mine, I was able to get the English translation of the lines. As she says, "This song is the perfect example of a cheap, double-meaning crammed anthem of vulgarity :D". Well... now we know what 'matter' song means... ;-) 

Before we move to the translation... I want to remind the other set of people who have promised me to give the English translation for some songs. Let this work inspire you... Moreover, this process will be a good break from the routine... ;-) O:-) 

Nilaa adhu vaanathu mela //Moon is up in the sky
Palaanathu odathu mela //‘Item” is up in the boat
Vandhaaduthu thaeduthu onna hoyyaahoy //Is dancing and looking for something…
Adhu enna hoy //What is that?

Pozhuthaana podhum thona onnu venum //When the sun sets, (I) need a companion
Ilangaalai aattam vidinjaathaan pogum //The young bull’s dance will stop only when the sun rises
Vandhaaduthu thaeduthu onna hoyyaahoy //Is dancing and looking for something…
Adhu enna hoy //What is that?

Odura nariyila oru nari kezhanari thaan //One of the foxes that runs is an old fox
Ingu aadura nariyila palanari kullanari thaan //Many foxes that dance here are cunning foxes

Ponnukkum poNNukkum adithadi thaan mannukkul pogura olagathula //In a world that finally is buried under, there is always a fight for woman and Gold
Pasikkidhu pasikkidhu thenam thenam thaan thinnaa pasiyadhu theerndhiduthaa? //We feel hungry every day, but does the hunger go away when we eat?
Adi aathadi naan paattaali un koottaali //Ho…I’m a labourer and your partner!

Kudikkira aattathta therayila paarthirukken //I have seen scenes of drinking and making merry on screen
Whistle adikkira koottathil tharaiyila aadirukken //Have danced with the crowd that whistles (to dances/performances)
Kaattula mettula ozhachavan naan aadida paadida vendaama //I have toiled in forests and plateaus, don’t I need to sing and dance?
Varumaiyin kodumaiya paarthavan thaan un odambula varumaiyum vendaama //I have seen the miseries of povery, shouldn’ there be poverty in your clothes too?


  1. Awesomeee.... cant believe u did such a detailed research ... U deserve a PhD :)

    1. Yayayayayayayaya... I do the unbelievable!! ;-)
