Sunday, January 13, 2013

now that ones off the list

I hope my dear friend is happy now. He had been pushing me to finish my project 108 Soorya Namaskaars. Finally, I did that today.

A friend wanted to celebrate Makara Sankranti with 108 sun salutations. As always, I was skeptical about joining in. And then I realized... I am approaching this as if this is a task I need to strike off from my bucket list. I trashed that concept & took it as an opportunity to catch up with her.

Well... that simple realignment not only took me to her door steps early on a sunday morning, but..... I COMPLETED 108 SOORYA NAMASKAARS!!!!

My dear friend... now you have 1 thing less to pester me with... Thihahahahahahahahahaha....

Picture Courtesy :


  1. Super. You made me happy for a change. New realization that things will happen only when the time is right.

    All I can do is, sow the seeds, and wait for it to sprout.

    1. Yes Shankar.... Things will happen only when it has to happen... ;-)

    2. Yes , always don't hide behind that excuse.

      Two things are required for any thing to happen.

      1 ) self effort
      2 ) favorable environment/circumstances/luck/grace/god's will/......

      Its like however you clean your room window, and keep it ready for sun to enter, what ever circus you do, sun light will come at its own time, not in the night.
      But when day comes, you have to be ready and actually open the window, and keep it clean for sun light to enter.
      All the practices that you do, are to be ready when the moment comes, to grab it.

      This happenned of your previous effort of practising surya namaskar, your intention and obviously a little push on sankranti.

  2. Link to Sowmya's blog entry...
