Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Week 11

This week has been a week of inner doubts. I am seriously thinking about dropping the idea of reaching the count of 108. I mean, if I want, I can reach this 108 today and finish it off with it. I might be tired for the rest of the day. Even tired for the next day. But 108 is no longer a probable task.

But... am I loosing my focus because I have this target to reach? Shouldn't I be aiding my body build it's strength & flexibility? Shouldn't I be making lifestyle changes & allot time to my general well being than reaching this target? Moreover, I do not want to loose weight any further.

June 10June 11June 12June 13June 14June 15June 16

I noticed that 30 sets is what I am comfortable at. These days, I take a 2min break after every 10sets. And when I am done with 30sets, I will be sweating all over my body :) The cool down relaxation has started becoming an awesome experience. I could go into that deep meditation even if its for a few mins ... yipppeeeeee ... :)

Picture Courtesy :

1 comment:

  1. Just for the sake of "achievement, completing the task, feeling proud about yourself,...." can complete 108 times once, and then do 30 or whatever is comfortable. You can tell your grandchildren later as bedtime story that you have done 108 surya namaskars.

    actually the best of doing these exercise, is not the exercise, the calmness, just after that. Nice to see that you are getting it.
