something the moment they lay their eyes on it? This 'it' could be anything - a lifeless object to someone from the opposite sex.
It all started with this story... So this person walks into a crowded restaurant and happens to see a lady in a group. And, he feels this strong sense of attraction towards her. Now you might ask, what was she wearing? How was she carrying herself? Was she flirting with him?
Well, the sad part is... Nothing spicy was going on there. She was not wearing anything provocative. And there were never any inviting glance or smile from her towards him. Yet, amidst the commotions of a crowded restaurant, he could feel this strong pull towards this girl.
Wonder how it feels to have such strong feelings. Without knowing what the other person is... Without having any impressions about the person... Standing on nothing & feeling that strong pull towards a person.....
Well... Either the violins started playing for him at that moment. Or, as the Discovery channel people always says, his wiring got lit up because of the evolution/DNA thingie.
Picture Courtesy : www.groupon.co.in
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