She : I had to get my blood tested. After they drew the blood, they marked the area.
Kiddo {now completely puzzled}: Why do you need to test your blood?
She : So that we can find out whether I am healthy or not.
Kiddo {in her revelation}: So they talk to the blood & find out if we are healthy or not.
I was narrating this to a friend & she goes...
One evening she & her sister were discussing about getting an ice-cream maker. Her sister was planning about making ice-cream daily with the help of this ice-cream maker. And that was when my friend's 7yr old goes....
Kiddo2 : Hmmm... So they will come Mon-Fri.
It took me sometime to figure out the significance of that statement. Kiddo2 imagined the ice-cream "maker" to be a person... :-D
Picture Courtesy : thelanguagetortoise.com
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