Me {enjoying that sparkle in her eyes}: You are the first person outside the yoga community to know Isha. You have no idea how relieved I am.
She {her excitement rising a note higher}: How did you get through?
Me {now confused with that question}: Err.... I applied, she cleared the assessment, she is now in.
She {continuing with her excitement}: That is a great school. There are people I know who have been trying & couldn't get through. Isn't it very difficult to get through? How did you manage to get it done?
{And it went on for some more time..... }
Her excitement made me realize... There is a plan. The other day, I was complaining, when will things start falling into my lap. At this moment, I was rather thankful for the so-called challenges I had to tackle while I was pursuing this for Kiddo. I can now see how insignificant they were. That was my Karma. But... The universe does have a plan for her......... Prayers.
Picture Courtesy : www.gracebelgravia.com
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