Well.... how much ever we try to console ourselves with the line 'Curiosity is good'... how much ever she uses Google... Her questions do get tiring after a point.
Yesterday, we went to watch a play. Kiddo was seated closer to the stage and I took my place towards the end of the room. The play was interactive... as long as these interactions stayed within the limits of script.
Well... What do I say... I could see that familiar hand shoot up every now & then... seeking her chance to ask her doubts. During the initial part of the play, the actor did give
her a chance to speak. Well... Yes! It was a question... That too well outside the scripts.
Have to admit... the actors handled it pretty well... :-)
Note to Self :
Make sure Kiddo doesn't take her title in the wrong manner.
Picture Courtesy : www.scientificamerican.com
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