Kiddo {in her squeaky voice, with a touch of command in it}: Amma! Please don't the those grandmothers who are always in bed.
Me {succumbing to the noise & the aching body}: {Oh! Yea... I just didn't have the energy to respond}
Kiddo {continuing...} : Be a grandmother like Patti... You know Krishna's Patti? Be like her. FULL OF JOSH... Running around & taking care of her great granddaughter.
He : I haven't yet met some one like you. You are indeed a specimen.
He & I were part of the team organizing an event in our apartment. We had to work closely for 4days. Nope! Not 4*24hrs types 4 days. The 1 or 2 hrs after our office hours types 4 days. End of the 2nd day... He passes this comment about me.
I probably would have heard this line for the first time... when??? 17yrs back? And I still managed to get that out of a well-traveled, well-read, well-what -nots 42yr old man!
Should I be happy or should i be concerned?????
Ya.. Ya.. Original piece!!! {Line from the movie Jab We Met}
Nalini is one of the leading female character from the movie Neena. I was an hr into the movie when I realize..... Nalini wears more of Setum Mundum (SM) than any other attire. And thats when it struck me...
For my mom generation.... SM is their comfort wear. Imagine... A long sweating tiring dusty day in the city... I (& my contemporaries) come back home, take a bath & slip into PJs. But for the mommy gen... it was SM.
Thanks to Nalini... I ended up buying one for home use & wore it
. Thankfully... Am not the only nutcase O:-)
Kiddo?? Her response??
I told her I am going to wear SM at home... Well... she reacted!! She is still working on convincing me to send the SM I bought to my mother. Why? Because SM is worn by grannies. I can sooo see the reason behind 100sareepact!!!
Sssh! Let me write this down before I forget. I know I will have to come back to this page. I do not want to miss even an ounce of its essence...
So... What was this? Oooh! Yeaa....
So... There was this moment where I was panicking about the list of stuffs I have gotten myself into. I was just listing them. It spanned from the mid of July to mid of Sept. I have something or the other every single weekend. Every single one of them requiring a significant amount of my time & energy. That was when the insecurities started creeping in... Okay! Okay! Paranoia kicked in! Fine?
And I was pouring out... A few minutes latesr... I get this audio clip in my WhatsApp!!!
How did he achieve this in this short span??? Hmmmm... He had the original song playing from his laptop... & he recorded using WhatsApp's voice note... Yea... Easy peasy mixing!!!
I didn't even dare to ask him where he was at that point of time. The options I had was..... I am the only one to be blamed!! To make a completely sane & uptight man to do this in the middle of the day while he was preparing for his client meeting!!!
Yes... It did make me laugh out loud..... The song describes everything perfectly... Vattayipoyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..... :):):):):):):)
This was the name given to Kiddo by her dance teacher... Why??? For asking so many questions!!
Well.... how much ever we try to console ourselves with the line 'Curiosity is good'... how much ever she uses Google... Her questions do get tiring after a point.
Yesterday, we went to watch a play. Kiddo was seated closer to the stage and I took my place towards the end of the room. The play was interactive... as long as these interactions stayed within the limits of script.
Well... What do I say... I could see that familiar hand shoot up every now & then... seeking her chance to ask her doubts. During the initial part of the play, the actor did give
her a chance to speak. Well... Yes! It was a question... That too well outside the scripts.
Have to admit... the actors handled it pretty well... :-)
Note to Self :
Make sure Kiddo doesn't take her title in the wrong manner.