"You will think things are the way they are not. Most of the time you impose your own views, ideas and feelings on others. You think that this is how the things are. This activity of the mind is called viparyaya. You may have an inferiority complex and, thereby, consider someone's behaviour very arrogant. Actually, they are not arrogant, and you are not being ill-treated by them. But you feel that you are being ill-treated by them. You feel that you have not been respected. It is because you do not respect yourself enough that you think that the others do not respect you. This tendency of your mind is viparyaya." - Commentary on Patanjali's Yoga Sutra by SSR
From pramaana (proofs) to viparyaya. I agree with the concepts... but how does one get out of these? Is there anyone wise enough to help the troubled soul? Is there anyone strong enough to lend a helping hand? Is there someone who is strong & wise & brave to..........
Picture Courtesy : yogalifestyle.com
Picture Courtesy : yogalifestyle.com
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