Well.... how else would the summers go for a pitta dominant person? Summer aggravates the pitta imbalances. The moment I heard this statement, as in movies, a lot of scenes from the summers of past years flashed by. Well... at least I understand why I do the things I did(may still do) during the summers. Yes! That does include a lot of things falling apart in me during this time period.
Kiddo.... If you are reading this... and had been wondering why things are the way they are... You were conceived when the imbalances where at its imbalance-most. Irrespective of what people say, its in your nature and it is NOT your fault. But observe yourself and be aware of these things.
Picture Courtesy : heymonicab.com
First level of knowledge is to understand that whatever happens to body/mind is because of the prakruthi's & Doshas.
ReplyDeleteSecond level of knowledge seems that it keeps changing and hence your body/mind, and knowing that you are beyond these 3 doshas.
But... I think for normal people like me... Prakruthi would remain same through out my life. I might be able to control its extremes by observing & taking care of myself. But otherwise, I think... this is going to be my composition for some time to come... :-)