He : So what? You can go visit the hill.
Me {.... continuing, unaware of his comment}: And after reaching the top, I want to scream my lungs out.
He : You can scream from the foothills
Me {with puppy eyes}: But then I won't get The Echo
He {with his SriKrishna smile}: You are capable of introducing echo in a text chat, foot of the hill is piece of cake for you.
This conversation happened over WhatsApp. I am pretty sure him mom went to the temple earlier this month and prayed for his well being. There is no other explanation as to why he was out of my reach when this conversation took place. But..... I am sure of one thing.... One day... The universe will surely give me chance to make him pay for this!!!
Revenge..... is best served Cold (with echo!!!!)
Picture Courtesy: Drawn by self!!