Kiddo {during her bed time chit-chit} : Amma.... Is there an injection to have a baby?
I was going through a myriad of emotion when I heard this. The innocence in her voice did bring a smile on my face. But... I knew where this was coming from... So wasn't sure which direction to take things to. After great effort, I keep my tone neutral and ask...
Me : Why do you need an injection for that?
Kiddo {retreating...} : Nothing...
Me {probing further though I know the answer} : Is it because you don't want to get married?
Kiddo : Yes!! I do not want to get married.
Me : Why?
Kiddo : Because then all I will be doing is cooking & cleaning.
I was left wondering... Are we in the wrong country? Or were we just born into the wrong state in this country?
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