She : We had
Puttu & Kadala
Me : I too am thinking of making Puttu & Kadala
Kiddo : Yeeeey! Kadala.....
Kiddo {immediately the realization steps in} : Oooh.... But then it won't be like Achamma's (gran)
He {as Kiddo's excitement fizzles out} : So this is the problem every where. Why don't you all learn to do it like the parents??
My dear He... Remember the
salt analysis we did as part of our schooling... Follow the steps & you will end up with a successful analysis. Well... cooking might seem like salt analysis to you... But then... Also remember that one should follow the heart while cooking.
Salt analysis says - Fry the onions, then add tomatoes.
But then.... The heart goes behind all those nuances.... should the onions be lightly colored, golden brown, caramelized? Oh! Yea... The overly burnt!
My heart would beat for different things. Oh! Btw... Tastebuds does weird things to that silly thing called heart!!! Synchronization all these variables will take days of direct observation of all the elements involved.
Well... as long as you are not poisoned... Thank the Lord that you are not poisoned & eat what has been served on your plate X-( :-P
Unless I am positively motivated, I surely am not going to invest all that time in observing & analyzing the elements... X-(
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