He {in his casual style}: You should bow before me for making sense out of your nonsense!!
Me {completely understanding the reason behind his frustration}: :-D
He : Ya! Thank God for giving me the brains to make sense out of your random ramblings!
He {continuing after a brief pause}: Otherwise all our conversation would have looked like "Eh?"
Me {LOL}: At this moment I am reminded of my conversation with another person. We are always at "Eh?"
I completely agree with him, I do need to do a full body prostration! I had been on the move that entire day. I had been sharing all the random stuffs that came to me - Images, bits of conversation, copy-paste of conversation without any information on who said which bit, audio... I do not know what else I shared with him. Since I was in a haste, I was thinking of picking these things up in detail later that day when we spoke. But, I did not have to. He made complete sense out of all the nonsense I had been throwing at him...
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