He : If you know of someone who is willing to exchange their smartphone with a basic phone... let me know.
Me {drifting into my own world}: Hmmm....
The only person I know who would be interested in doing that would be me.
He {with a wicked grin}: Absolutely not! I do not want you to use that as an excuse to move into a cave!!
Okay! Fine! The context....
My friend's 'smart' phone is currently unusable. Since he is a struggling entrepreneur, he is in dire need of a smartphone. But then... since he is a struggling entrepreneur... a new smartphone would be quite a heavy blow.... where... well... I leave that to him & you... ;-)
I was trying to tell him... a few days with a basic fone.... nothing is going to be affected. Thats when he came up with the idea of... exchanging a basic phone for a smart phone...
But my dear.... Cave is also a beautiful place to be in... :-)
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