Never knew drugs can do such strange things to you. Since every single department in my body
decided to undergo maintenance... I was left with no choice but remain in bed. If eyes would open... then maybe stare at the ceiling. Ceilings in Bangalore are so boring. There is not even a moving fan to keep you awake!
Of all the weird things that I experienced over this period... I found these interesting enough to remember.... :-) The drugs in the system does help.
Yea... I out do my own self at times... many times ;-)
1 Removed fb app from phone
The first thing I did when I knew things are not going to be great was to remove the facebook app from my fone. Yes! That gave me a lot of time... even if they are for weird stupid things.... I got a hell lot of time..... My imagination (or creativity as my friend would call it) soared. I am sure I have already made him proud ;;-) Yes! He had no other option but listen to me... :-D
PS. He is still breathing... :-)
2 Ex-cess are what they are...... excess!
If you want to tickle your ego... Go ahead nudge theirs & you will know..... it was all baseless & one sided. But yes.... Thinking about the ifs in a whole new dimension can be an excellent pass time... Oooo... at times exciting too... ;-)
3 Redoing the video of the song
pani vizhum malar vanam
Yea.... listen to the song.... then go watch the video... then listen to the song again with an understanding of its
meaning... You do agree that the video has to be redone, don't you?
I was listening to this song that day & I knew how I would be redoing that video. That entire song just flashed 1 frame after the other... till the very end of the song... :-)
Now if you know someone with the money & contacts to make this happen... let me know... I am thrilled about this... err... Kavilammee... he/she too should be a nut case like me... Please... :-(
4. Youtube can be a saviour
No! I was not watching movies.... Remember... all systems down including vision! Now don't go into the deeper meanings of vision.. lets just keep them at a physical eye-sight level... :-)
I was using it to listen to music. Started with the malayalam nostalgic series. Then moved on to Tamil ones... :-)
Thanks to people who have uploaded 10hrs of arr songs... I can never get bored... Mmmmmuah uploaders... I love you.... :-) :-*
5. I want to act in a tamil song!
Courtsey... the song
Sonnalum Kelpathilla Kanni Manathu
At least the singers do an awesome job. I think there will be many such movies.... the movie will be horrible... the actors would have done a pathetic job... but the songs would be awesome.... you get goosebumps even after knowing that this great song belongs to that lousy movie... one such movie is....
Kangalal Kaidhu Sei
But everyone behind the song would have done such a great job that even I feel like dancing and acting!! 8-)
6 He : Good that you didn't have a north Indian boy friend.
Yipz! I always interact with great minds... Hmmm... should I call them logicians? Thats the conclusion he draws after hearing that a good chunk of malayalam songs are ruined for me... Well... he does have a point... if other languages are also ruined... I will have no where to go.. Or....... maybe... until I get the right one.... I should only play around with malayalee men.... maybe I should try assamese or oriya... But definitely not a Tamilian...
This entire down time it was Tamil songs that kept me strong. If not convinced... refer to point 5 ;-)
7 He : Please don't listen to sad songs like we did on New Year's eve
That guideline did help to a certain extend. I cleared my music player & loaded with a completely different set of songs. Listening to it... I get enlightened again.... ;-) Mom does have a point.... I did lose more than blood during that accident in 2000. The songs and music around that period is when that full, unbiased, for-no-reason smile stops for me....
8 Homo sexuality.... an interesting concept...
As an individual living in these times... in this society... Yes... I do need to broaden my views. I might need it.... Especially when it gets mixed with Tattoos!
9 I am in love with
Sunny Wane. Someone really needs to help me get a date with this guy! Kavilammeeeeee.... please... chakkarayallee.... please........
Okay... I have reached the end of my physical capacity for the day.... I will wind up for the day now...
As I am on my path to recovery.... I wonder.... Well... lets just see how the times ahead are going to be.... I am sure everyone around will help me keep it as interesting as always...
Thanks for the support guys... I felt myself slipping... if it wasn't for you guys.... I wouldn't have been on my path to recovery this soon.... I owe you guys a great rest of the year... Mmmmmmuah! Thank you... Thanks a ton... :-)