Recently I had to fill in a personal data form & one of the category in that form was to list at-least 1 negative aspect about yourself. The coward that I am, I have never looked that deep into myself. So, I thought of flipping through the various feedbacks I have received from different people during various stage of my life. And, I was discussing my findings with a friend of mine.
Me : I am not great with guarding emotions. Whatever I feel immediately reflects on my face making it visible to the public.
He : Why do you want to compartmentalize it into good or bad? Why can't you just leave it as it is? In fact, why do you want to categories ANYTHING at all?
These questions propelled an entire chain of thoughts in me. That was when I realized, I have this urge to categorize everything around me into the good or the bad bucket. And worse, I am instilling the same thing into my child - this is not a good behavior, that is a bad way of doing thing, etc etc. And then it dawned upon me, I am being crushed by the pressure of being in the good bucket.
And the moment I realized that, the compartments vanished & all the items fell on the ground into a huge pile. And honestly friends, from that day onwards - my life became simple and I am enjoying this new outlook on life :)
This is a guest blog entry I had written for a friend of mine, Aisoorya Vijayakumar. The link to her blog is Coffee bean musings